Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Source language English, Italian, Esperanto, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Ancient greek, Polish
Target language English, Italian, Esperanto, Russian, Latin, Ancient greek, Polish

Source language
Target language

Results 21 - 40 of about 46
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Source language
Russian Судьбы
Судьба зависит от нас самих, ибо нет судьбы кроме той, которую мы сами творим.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Spanish Gracias Doctor
Gracias por todo lo enseñado...
Comer cada 2 horas
Achicar las porciones
Disminuir las grasas, hidratos y sal
Aumentar el Volumen
Mejorar nuestra forma de comer

Y sobre todo para mantenernos en movimiento...
Salir corriendo e
es una lista de enseñanzas

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Italian smetti di essere ció che eri e trasformati in ció...
Smetti di essere ció che eri e trasformati in ció che sei!
La luce assorbe l'ombra.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
English I trust you to kill me
I trust you to kill me
i would like to know the translation for this text, in a correct sentence (aswell in 'Bokmål' and 'Nynorsk')--> the "other language" is "Nynorsk"

Edit: i -> I

Completed translations
Norwegian Jeg stoler
Swedish Jag litar på att du dödar mig.
Other languages Eg lit på at du drep meg.
Icelandic Ég treysti þér til að drepa mig
Hebrew תרגום
Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
Ukrainian Слава Україні! Героям Слава! Ще не вмерла...
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
Ще не вмерла України ні слава ні воля!!!

Completed translations
Russian Слава Украине!
French Gloire Ukraine Gloire Héros! L' Ukraine n'est pas...
Spanish ¡Gloria Ucrania! ¡Gloria héroes! Ucrania no está...
English Long live Ukraine!
Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
English from here to eternity
from here to eternity
black wings of Fate shall cover the earth

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Italian gli occhi non vedono quello che il cuore vede
gli occhi non vedono quello che il cuore vede

Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
English I rather die on my feet,than to live on my knees!
I rather die on my feet,than to live on my knees!
Трябва ми за татуировка.Предварително благодаря!

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Preferiría morir de pie que vivir de rodillas!
Requested translations
Latin Latin
96Source language96
Spanish Pocos ven lo que somos pero todos ven lo que...
Pocos ven lo que somos
pero todos ven lo que aparentamos.
Frase de Nicolás Maquiavelo.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Spanish .Que el señor Jesucristo este siempre acompañándome
Que el señor Jesucristo este siempre acompañándome
Hola podrían traducir esta oración a griego antiguo y si es posible en mayúscula,dice que en griego antiguo se escribía en mayúscula,la oración es

Admin's answer : Sorry but we don't use caps in our texts except when needed by rules of written languages.

Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
English Once more into the fray...
Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
<edit> "i" (9th letter of the Roman alphabet) with "I" (1st person singular pronoun in English)</edit>

Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
English A heart of gold pumps within his metal skin, a...
A heart of gold pumps within his metal skin, a noble line he carries on.
This is a line from a song inspired by Greek Mythology specifically the Odyssey.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
10Source language10
Spanish Mi familia es primero
Mi familia es primero
Saludos, quisiera traducir las dos palabras anteriores al griego antiguo, es para un tatuaje y quisiera tener la certeza de que está escrito correctamente.
Mil disculpas por violar las normas de vuestro foro, en realidad es mi culpa por acelerado y no tomarme el tiempo de leer. Gracias, y si pudieran indicarme cual es exactamente la palabra que significaria familia en mi frase les agradeceria.

Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
Portuguese Meu anjo guardião, inspirai-me no bem, na caridade e no amor.
Meu anjo guardião, inspirai-me no bem, na caridade e no amor.
Esta frase é inspirada numa prece espírita.
Seria então uma oração.
Tradução para o Francês da França.

Completed translations
French Mon ange gardien, guide moi dans le bien, la charité et l’amour.
Catalan Àngel de la guarda, guia'm al bé, a la caritat i a l'amor
Latin Angelus custos
Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
Italian invictus
Dalla notte che mi avvolge nera come la fossa dell’Inferno rendo grazie a qualunque Dio ci sia per la mia anima invincibile.
La morsa feroce degli eventi non m’ha tratto smorfia o grido. Sferzata a sangue dalla sorte non s’è piegata la mia testa.
Di là da questo luogo d’ira e di lacrime si staglia solo l’orrore della fine,ma in faccia agli anni che minacciano sono e sarò sempre imperturbato.
Non importa quanto angusta sia la porta,quanto impietosa la sentenza. Sono il padrone del mio destino;il capitano della mia anima.
Vorrei la traduzione in latino per un tatuaggio, quindi è importante una traduzione corretta nella grammatica e nel senso attribbuito alle parole!

Requested translations
Latin Latin
Source language
Latin Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.Legum ...
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.
Dulce bellum inexpertis.
Omnia causa fiunt.

Completed translations
English I'll either find a way or make one.We ...
Turkish Bir yol bulacağım yada yaratacağım.
Brazilian Portuguese Encontrarei um caminho...
Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
English Remember one thing
Remember one thing
Through every dark night,
there's a bright day
So no matter
how hard it gets,
stick your chest out
Keep your head up
and handle it.

Requested translations
Latin Latin
10Source language10
Greek είσαι πάντα κοντά μου γιατί είσαι στο μυαλό και...
είσαι πάντα κοντά μου γιατί είσαι στο μυαλό και την καρδιά μου
θα ήθελα να μου εταφράσετε αυτή την φράση γιατί προκειται να την κάνω τατουάζ για τον ''χαμένο'' πατέρα μου

Completed translations
Spanish siempre
English you will always be next to me because you are in my soul and my heart
Portuguese Estás sempre perto de mim porque...
Latin Apud me semper stabis
Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese Na vida nada é de graça, a não ser o amor de...
Na vida nada é de graça, a não ser o amor de Deus

Completed translations
Latin (In) vita nihil gratis est...
Requested translations
Ancient greek Ancient greek
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